주일학교 등록서(Sunday School Registration Form) (K-11th)
9:30am ~ 10:20am at Pleasanton Middle School operated by Tri-Vally Korean Catholic Community
Student's Name
Baptismal Name
Student's E-mail
Sacrament Received
1st Communion(첫영성체)
Student's Grade
Kinder ~ 2th
3th ~ 5th
6th ~ 8th
9th ~ 11th
Home Address
Parent's Name
Parent's Phone
Parent's E-mail
Emergency's Contact Name
Emergency's Phone
Medical Insurer
Special Note to Teacher
I hold the pastoral center and diocese of Oakland harmless from any claim of injury, sickness, illness or damage that my child may suffer or sustain during the Sunday school activities, with exception to injury of damages arising out of the sole negligence of the pastoral center or diocese of Oakland. I attest that my child is physically fit to participate in the Sunday school activities. In the event my child becomes ill or injured, I do hereby consent to whatever X-ray, examination, medical or treatment and hospital care are considered necessary in the best judgment of the attending physician and performed by or under the supervision of a member of the medical staff of the hospital facility provided the treatment. I am not aware of any medical condition which would render it inappropriate for my child to participate in any such activity.
Waiver Authorization
I agree
Submit Form
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